- Design Cycle
- Can prototype, but it's not necessary
- This is not always exactly linear
- but the presentations are due in line
- but you may, in reality, go back and forth over them
- James Gee
- The principles are his own invention
- Worth using as these as principles as a checklist
- Literacy
- The ability to understand and manipulate the symbols of a semiotic domain
- Semotic domain
- a communications "system" capable of conveying a unique message
- Projects
- Korean letters
- Latin and Korean letters are taught at the same time
- supplemental products for parents to give their kids
- or can it work in tandem?
- Vocational literacy
- figuring out ways to make connections about jobs and careers
- and their hobbies and other interests
- Classical Music
- Applying them to current forms
- Tourists
- how to bargain with people
- Portugese
- for people in a relationship with a Brazilian
- sharing language and culture with your partner
- Mine
- Be aware that there are two issues
- Remember to teach the literacy with an eye toward self-efficacy
- DJ Music
- Plastic Man
- custom system for recording music by scratching
- reproducing music by scratch motion
- Visual Language of Comics
- Relationship to motion graphics
- Using one literacy to teach another
- See if Saul Bass has written about this
- Food
- learning the process for making an preparing food
- using food to understand other cultures
- NYT article Michael Pollan
- Harvest Moon
- raising of the animals for food
- knowing more about your food when it's alive
- Science
- But what is taught in school in no way represents what scientists do
- How could we better introduce science to kids who migth have this aptitude?
- PhysComp/Electronics
- bringing mothers and daughters together
- basic electronic principles
- a young child could teach an adult something
- new to the scrapbooking community
- Context of Patterns in graphic design history
- evoking a historical period graphically
- changing context depending on how the pieces are put together
- getting the information as needed
- Ecology/Recycling
- understanding where stuff comes from
- using existing materials for stuff
- Can the learners absorb the literacy lesson?
- Derive it from first principles
- you could make paper without knowing anything else about ecology
- Homework
- Read "Rules of Play" Chap. 3-6 for 2/26
- Presentation
- Concept
- What are they going to learn and why?
- Form
- What you want people to be doing
- Idea sketches
- can just hold them up on paper
- can do visual brainstorming
- brainstorming/conversing with yourself
- Resources
- How are others teaching content?
- Is anyone doing anything like this?