Kicks in when they start to crawl, interestingly enough
Not being held anymore
Effects of dense fear in first 6 mo. are long-term
Children can read these in the affect task
Facial Affect Coding System
Detecting deception
Cultural differences in the expression of the universally recognized emotions
Destructive emotions and their control
meeting with the Dalai Lama
conversation between Buddhists and psychologists
Emotion alert data base
cell assemblies read to fire in repsonse to automatic appraisers
automatic appraisers are continuously scanning triggers (events or moods) that might activate the cell assemblies and lead to emotional signals or behaviors about which we may become consciously aware
sounds like a powder keg?
Importing scripts
Helen and Him
Helen importing scripts from other parts of his life
e.g. being bullied by big brother
Paul and Mary Ann
Abandonment issues
look out for hot triggers
weakening emotional triggers
attentiveness to our emotional feelings
important because how we feel determines how we think
factors to reduce heat, salience, and power of emotional trigger
Closeness to the evolved theme
resemblance to the original situation in which theme was learned
how early in one's life trigger learned
the initial emotional charge
the density of the experience
affective style/temperment
lack of inhibition is one such affective style
ARe emotions primary motivating forces?
Cognitive Behaviour thearpy
How we feel is colored by how we think about the world