Round 19: Behold the penultimate round at GDC!That's right, Backchatter is now free software! After my colleagues and I at Local No. 12 wrapped up the game the Game Developers Conference this spring, we made the whole thing open source. You can find it on our SourceForge page. And check out our freshly completed documentation.
In his post via Planet Debian yesterday, Ross Burton put out a call for a logo to add to his Tasks project. Me being the free-software lovin' lad that I am, I thought I'd do up a comp and see if he likes it. Maybe so, maybe not, but it's always good for me to spend a little time working out new designs.
The SVG file (made with Inkscape) is attached below.
Copyright Mike Edwards 2006-2009. All content available under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, unless otherwise noted.