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IR Tracking Test

So I had some free time during this break (not really, but I didn't feel like doing the work I'm supposed to do.) I've been wondering for a while if we could have made the infrared (IR) stuff work, so I posed that as a challenge for myself. Turns out, it wasn't all that hard.

First thing I had to do was make a IR camera. Very easy. Initially, I just taped two pieces of photo negative to my webcam (the darkest stuff at the end of the strip.) That worked well enough to pick up the LEDs shining out of a remote control.

Then I got a little more adventurous and hacked open the webcam. That was pretty much just one screw and some careful dismantling of the rest. Right in front of the lens is a square of iridescent glass; that's the IR filter. I popped that out with a screwdriver (it kind of chipped at first until I broke away enough to pry the whole thing out.) I replaced it with two small squares of the negative and put the thing back together. Props to Cameron Browning for teaching me this trick.

Copyright Mike Edwards 2006-2009. All content available under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, unless otherwise noted.

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